Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Something About a Foreign Language?

I struggle to relate to people who are uncomfortable or offended by others using a foreign language in their presence. My question is, why? In what way does it tarnish your culture or hurt your feelings? It's a language difference. Transcend that barrier, be better than that. Sitting at the DMV, an woman of Asian decent began to tell me about her day in broken English. I could not understand her, but with a smile on her face like any other human being she shared her story. I managed to pick up on some of what she said, but most I could not. Should I have been offended that this woman could not speak English well? Of course not! She was a person talking kindly to a stranger. I find it admirable when people are in touch with their roots and are not afraid to express it in a respectful manner. Obviously, leaving others who are not bilingual out of a conversation is disrespectful, but those are isolated incidents. Public use of a foreign language is in no way hurtful to anyone. "Patriots" who believe that everyone should speak English are ignoring what makes this country great to begin with. 

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