Thursday, October 6, 2011

The African American Divide... Your Point?

This article argues that the division within the African American population is problematic to the rights of the race. Call me easily distracted, but during the reading of this piece, I could not shake the idea that the boundaries and definitions of race are becoming increasingly irrelevant. The author goes into depth about all sorts of issues that obstruct the tendencies of  Civil Rights, etc. but to what purpose? While I appreciate the intent, I cannot see the sense in constantly trying to categorize and divide races based on a number of variables, let alone subdividing those groups. It's backtracking! That's all it is! Pointless dividing and labeling. There is no biological basis for race. None. These articles that try to explain these divides and put massive spot lights on only the differences casting shadows over our similarities serve no purpose. So I ask, what's the point?

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