Sunday, September 25, 2011

Reaction to Anton Chekhov's "A Nincompoop"

Nincompoop. While rather fun to say and childishly nostalgic, it's one of those words everyone seems to have an understanding of simply based on its context. "You nincompoop!". We all just sort of seem to agree that means you are not a very bright person. In fact you're an idiot. Like a Dodo bird wondering aimlessly and aloof towards your inevitable extinction. (If you don't know, Dodo Birds were around in the 1600s, and, as a result of humans invading their natural territory with their pigs, and rats, and what have you, they were wiped out from the face of the Earth. Their extinction is also attributed by their lack of intelligence because they would often waltz right into their own deaths. Granted I think we are very hard on that little bird as a culture. I mean they had help dying out from mankind's naturalistic instinct to muddle up anything and everything having to do with good old Mama Nature, but that is neither here nor there.) Chekhov, however, uses his tale of a silent governess being robbed just for the giggles and a lesson by her lord and master in order to more accurately define this delightful slur. A hardworking nanny-like madam is about to get her pay and, much to her dismay (rhyming is still cool. Get off my back), receives a lengthy rant from her master that contains all the costs that must be deducted from her already meager check. Check? Purse? Little bag with coins? I don't know. Well regardless, the nanny is biting her tongue and holding back her tears as this ,seemingly, cruel man takes away all her money. She is handed a fraction of her total amount but still, through bitter tears, manages to mutter out a thank you to her lord. The lord gets up, throws a fit, has a laugh, and teaches the governess a lesson in speaking up for yourself. An especially poignant tale in this time given the recent atrocities (Troy Davis, etc.) and how important your individual voice actually is. You see, a nincompoop isn't someone who lacks intelligence. A nincompoop is someone who is being battered, robbed, beaten, and bruised and refuses to stand up for themselves. A sort of spineless creature who won't stick to their own moral understanding of what's right and wrong because they don't want to cause a fuss. Chekhov's point here is that by not exercising your right to speech as a person you are, in fact, an idiot, a moron, a nincompoop. Or perhaps even a Dodo Bird.

Oh relax, I'm joking. No need to look so sad.

1 comment:

  1. A thoughtful and very funny response to the text.
    Do keep your audience in mind when posting your blog entries--though it is a more informal mode of written expression, I will not 'get off your back' in encouraging you to sound more expository.
